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After moving from California to Byron Bay, NSW, Jenny Osipova found her passion of helping others build a harmonious relationship with food and the self. She launched her wellness blog The Vegan Spell in 2017 and has amassed followers through sharing her recipes and reminders to eat and live mindfully. 


Sun Sign?


How did you become vegan? How soon after did you find your dream of becoming a holistic nutritionist?

Going vegan for me was a slow, domino effect. I’m not one of those people that can cut something out cold turkey. I cut one thing out at a time, when it didn’t make sense for me to be eating one thing and not the other. I think cheese was the last thing I cut out, which is usually what people are most attached to. I’d wanted to go vegan for a few years before I actually did, and I remember telling my friends I would definitely be vegan before I turned 30. Then a few months later, on my 22nd birthday, I woke up and decided to just do it! I’d always wanted to be a nutritionist, but when I saw the effects that going vegan had on my body I was more motivated than ever.

What have been the most rewarding moments during your work in health and wellness?

Probably having my friends tell me they’re proud of me, or when somebody says I’ve inspired them.

How did you find the courage to decide to move out of the country and pave your own path in Australia?

I think when you want something bad enough, it’s no longer a matter of courage, but rather a means of finding a way to do it. Sure, it may have been a little scary but I was always focused on how to make it work versus the “what if”. Also, it has taught me that everything always works out! I was so worried about finding a job, a house, friends, etc. but everything always comes together if you put in the effort. It sounds silly and redundant, but you have to trust more and worry less.

Can you name one piece of solicited advice you'd give to someone struggling with finding or pursuing their passion?

The secret is to just do it. Before starting The Vegan Spell, I sat with the idea of it for months with analysis paralysis before actually starting it because I wanted it to be perfect right away and ultimately was afraid of failure. I told everyone I wanted to start a vegan blog, but never did because I was so scared I wouldn’t live up to my own expectations. But you learn along the way and really, the only way to find out what you like and don’t like and what works and doesn’t, is by actually doing it. Also, this isn’t said enough, but its okay to not have a passion! For some people, finding their passion takes some searching. I know for me, I struggled with finding my “thing” for a while and I was worried I never would. Though, there is something to be said about someone that goes after what they want. People love when others show enthusiasm for their passions and go for it.

Five things you love?

I love growth/evolution, plants (lately it’s my string of pearls succulent), finding a song you like and listening to it 100 times, happy dogs at the beach, and watermelon with passionfruit at the beach.



Instagram: @TheVeganSpell

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